kome on - Dream Demon

Track: "Dream Demon"
Author: "kome on"
Albom: "Kome on!"
320 kbps

Lyrics kome on - "Dream Demon"

I be talkin', talkin' happy talk How am I gonna pull this off man Without soundin' dark? Talk about things you'd like to do You've got to have a dream This is too sensible for me man If you don't have a dream How you gonna have a dream come true? We love the singin', we love it I used to dream about crazy little things like fame In the days hangin' outside the off-license We used to run around the streets reckless with no shame Mainly up to no good, a whole world of nonsense But when the girls walked by, we would try to catch their eye And if they ain't a show face we would act immature I had a thing for south and Hackney girls Since I was a kid, a couple west girls on my radar, I was raw And I was dead sure that I knew it all, whole world against me Attitude, I nearly blew it all, I find it a real big struggle gettin' through it all I swear, I didn't wanna listen 'cause I sure didn't care Not know if a reality I'd have to prepare 'Cause money don't grow on no stick, well, it's rare Bein' broke was lookin' less and less the lick Plus I was growin' up, life was lookin' like a scare Marvellous day, man I be talkin', talkin' happy talk ...

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